Fountain News

Many passers-by have no doubt noticed the green plaque on the south-west wall bordering the fountain roundabout.

Sponsored by APPRA, the cast-iron plaque is finished in colours matching the fountain and provides useful background information. It is a welcome addition to the many other plaques dotted round the Avenues commemorating famous people who have lived in the neighbourhood.

The photo shows Paul Dodsworth, a local resident, who kindly lent his skills to put up the plaque.

The fountain is in Winter Shutdown

With Winter now here, the fountain has been drained to save on running costs and to allow routine maintenance to take place. It will be switched on again in the springtime.

As we’ve mentioned previously, we currently only have enough regular income to run the fountain for six months of the year. but each donation we receive let’s us operate the fountain a little longer and our goal is to have the fountain running all year-round.

Click below to find out how you could add to our growing number of donors. If you can spare even as little as £1 per month that’s enough to keep the fountain running for a whole extra day!

We present … A Mighty Splash!

Now available to purchase, our souvenir booklet which tells the story of the fountain.

With 40 pages, our full colour booklet makes an excellent souvenir and gift.

Telling the story of the fountain from it’s original installation in 1874, its removal in the 1920’s, through to the moment when the idea of bringing a fountain back was conceived. Then on to the journey of fundraising, design, manufacture and installation, before finally the moment when the new fountain sprang into life and created a mighty splash.

It’s a story of a community project like no other. Of how determined people, supported by the whole community made something beautiful happen.

Click below for details of how to purchase your copy for just £10. All profits support the running costs of the fountain so that we can run the fountain for longer periods.